Cistus creticus – Best natural protection against ticks for our dogs

Did you know there is better than BRAVECTO or NEXTGUARD or FRONTLINE?

The last 3 weeks my dogs came home every day with many ticks on them, small ones, big ones, hard ones and soft ones. Knowing that existing chemical treatments don’t solve the problem and often add unwanted and even dangerous sideeffects (FDA Warning) to the unpleasant situation, I started investigating. I found a company (german) producing a tick repellent as supplement(food) to repel ticks. The reviews were positiv so I looked into the ingredients. What I found is Cistus creticus – repellent for ticks and an effective protection against tick transmitted diseases in dogs. The plant is growing in Israel although from the Greek Island of Cretin. I started to add leaves to the dog food and really after 3 days no more ticks on the dogs… (I have 2 dogs) And both of them eat the leaves without extra effort. The unique advantage of Cistus Cretinus is that it has been found active to protect against tick transmitted diseases like Borrelia, and others. That is what we want and none of the products available really offer – The protection against the bacteria and viruses transmitted by ticks.

HeilsamPraxis Sandra Esch and her team in Germany made a controlled test with 48 dogs – 32 dogs received Cistus, 10 dogs Frontline and 6 dogs did not receive anything.

The test ran for 20 days. The untreated dogs had in average 150 ticks. The dogs with Frontline had significant less ticks but were never tick free. The dogs with Cistus had 2 to 0 ticks over the time of 20 days and these were easy to take off. The first results were after 5 days and after 5 more days no more ticks were found. Conclusion Cistus is highly effective as repellent and superior to frontline.

Try it ! it works and if it works for you tell everybody. It is so much healthier for our dogs!