Category Archives: Health

Raw, fresh dog foods outperformed extruded diet digestibility

Raw, fresh dog foods outperformed extruded diet digestibility check the details follow the link   [...]

Ficus sycomorus – Dogs like to chew on its wood

Ficus sycomorus – Dogs like to chew on its wood – a good alternative to [...]

Hairy Treats – Why should you give Hairy Treats to your dog!

Why should you give Hairy Treats to your dog! CAN DOGS EAT TREATS COVERED IN [...]

Glucosamine For Dogs: Benefits & Sources

My dogs are getting old now. Just about any veterinarian you meet will recommend glucosamine [...]

Buckwheat – Good for dogs

Buckwheat is good for your dog. 5 Benefits of Buckwheat for Dogs 1. Buckwheat is [...]

Cistus creticus – Best natural protection against ticks for our dogs

Did you know there is better than BRAVECTO or NEXTGUARD or FRONTLINE? The last 3 [...]

Don’t Leave The Skin And Fur Out!

Don’t Leave The Skin And Fur Out! Skin disease plagues so many of our dogs. [...]

Why is Pumpkin Good for Dogs?

Pumpkin is a fiber-rich food that also contains important vitamins and minerals, such as vitamins [...]

Is Raw Food a risk ?

According to a study conducted by the University of Helsinki, Finnland in 2019, it is [...]

CBD – Cannabidoid for our companion.

how to get your drops of CBD oil in the best quality ? I made [...]